Everything you want for your super awesome website in one place-Contact the web developers of TST Technology today!

You can have an attractive, highly functional and interactive website to carve a place in the digital place for you and your business. With our artistic team of UX designers and versatile team of web developers, fluent in frontend and backend, your website will be a piece of marvel.

Contact us today at Contact@tsttechnology.in

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You can turn your dream website into a reality with TST Technology.
You wish, we create, you succeed.

Are you tired of using online website development tools that don’t let you customise your website?

Even after spending money, your website doesn’t look the way you want it to. You add one tiny widget to your page. BAM! The entire page layout changes. Ugh!

You probably hired a web developer to manage your website for you. And what happens when you call that person? They don’t pick up your calls. They make excuses. They don’t give proper answers to you. You feel frustrated. Rightfully so, since every person who looks you up on the internet will see your faulty website even after you spent well-earned money.

You are confused about who you should choose to create your website.
Who can get the job done well?

This is obviously an important responsibility. But there are so many options available. How will you choose? You don’t know who to trust. The person you hire will be responsible for creating a website that represents you and your business.

You want someone who has experience. But only experience isn’t enough. Your business has sentimental value to it so they should build it with the same care that you show. You don’t want to place your faith in someone only for them to create a website that you do not like. Your website should be made as per your tastes. Once it’s built, you should be able to at least make basic updates to it on your own.

You can contact the web development team of TST Technology. With detailed meetings, virtual or in-person as you prefer, you can explain what you want to our team. At every step of the way, you will be made aware of everything happening during the development so you can ensure that your dream website is on the right track.

Why should you choose the web developers of TST Technology to bring your dream website to life?

Your website is your identity in the digital world. We will listen to you. Every detail of your website will be made exactly as you wish it; you will get custom website development services.

You get a 1-hour free consultation!

You are heard.

Your wish is our command.

You are regularly updated on the status.

You get 24*7 support from our team.

You get full transparency for what you pay.

Do you wanna know more about how your website will be made? Keep scrolling.

Science dictates that for your website to be a major hit, it has to be planned, managed and executed with great precision. Your custom website development goes through 5 steps:






The only team that takes a unique approach of science and intuition to bring your website goals to fruition

Your website is designed and developed following the tried and tested process that has guided developers for decades. But you don’t have to worry about your website following rigid and outdated models. Our team at TST Technology has made upgrades in the process to ensure that your website is made using the best practices of the current time.

You want more guarantee, right? Rest assured, we take regular “gut-checks” to reflect on how your website is coming along and through this testing, your website is built based on science and human instincts.

Your journey with TST Technology- easy, fun and exciting! See the simple and effective way we use to create your website

Using these six steps, we provide you with excellent web development services. You get to see your thoughts brought to life. Let’s find out what exactly happens during these phases.

You discuss your wishes with the team

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You get proper documentation - Proposal, NDA, SOW

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We assign tasks to team members to start creating your website

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You get to be a part of Weekly/Monthly reviews

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Your website follows the Website Development Life Cycle

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Your website is ready! You get full documentation

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You discuss your wishes with our team

You don’t have to worry that we’ll start working on your website willy-nilly. Our team members will have detailed meetings with you to discuss the basic, technical and aesthetic aspects of what you want. This helps us to create your website exactly as you envision it in an optimised way.

You get proper documentation - Proposal, NDA, SoW

Once you have told us about the functionality and features you want on your website, you will receive a proposal from us to get an idea of how your website will be developed. Only after we get your approval, you get a Non-Disclosure Agreement and Statement of Work as discussed with us to finalise the agreement.

We assign tasks to team members to start creating your website

You will have specialists from TST Technology working on different parts of your website. We use project tracking and management software, Jira and Slack, that allows us to keep all the details of your website development neatly organised. Your webpages are designed by expert UI/UX designers. Our developers write your website code that makes it work seamlessly. Pretty efficient, huh?

You get to be a part of Weekly/Monthly reviews

Your opinion is most important to us. The entire team will meet you from time to time to discuss your website's progress and plans. These sessions help us keep on track. An extra benefit is that we can think of new, innovative ways to optimise the development of your dream website.

Remember the gut check you are promised? That happens during these reviews. All of us take a look at what we’ve done and what we’re going to do. While doing this, your inner voice will tell you if something feels right or not. This is very useful as it makes your website display your values perfectly.

Your website follows the Website Development Life Cycle

Website development has a life cycle like everything else. The cycle can be broken down into 7 phases:


You wouldn’t like it if you directly received a finished website that is not at all as per your desires, will you? We know. That’s why before development starts, we show you prototypes of your website. Prototypes are designs that give you an idea of how your website will look and work after they're developed. We’ve got variety in that too.

Paper Prototype

Paper prototypes are rough sketches on paper of how the mobile application will look. You cannot interact with them.

Low Fidelity Prototype (Wireframe)

Low Fidelity prototypes, also known as low-level prototypes, are digital representations of how the mobile application looks. They are more advanced than paper prototypes as they are made digitally and have features such as colours, images and buttons. However, they are just like pictures and you cannot interact with them.

High Fidelity Prototype

High Fidelity prototypes are advanced prototypes which are made by using software such as Figma and Adobe XD. Here, an actual representation of how the mobile application will function and interact with the user is given. They have colours, buttons, navigation, scroll bars and menus which can be tested.


Once you approve a prototype, it goes into the designing phase. Here, we keep User Experience (UX) in mind. Your comfort and that of your audience are our priorities so we make your website easy to use and navigate.


After the designing phase is completed, your custom website development starts. Things get super technical here. Our developers write code for the front-end of your webpages. The front-end means the part that users can interact with. The designs by the UI/UX developers are brought to life here. Features like menus, toolbar, scroll bar and search window are made.


You will get your website sooner rather than later as back-end developers are working parallelly with our front-end developers. The back-end allows the features of your website to function as they are supposed to. It manages the data of the application, the process and the functionalities on which your website runs.


You don’t want to publish your website only to find some flaws, correct? We’re with you. Once your website is developed, we test it with user groups, experts, Quality Assurance engineers and you.

If any feature does not meet your standards and those of TST Technology, then the modifications are made by the developers. We also check it for bugs and issues which are then corrected by the developers. Only after getting approved by Quality Assurance engineers do we proceed to launch.


The website is launched as per your choice- on a domain of your choice when you want it. We’re here to help you, every step of the way.


You and your custom website will be taken care of even after the website launch. You have our team ready to help you 24*7 if you run into any trouble. We’ll listen to you, understand your problem and help you resolve the issue. Rest easy.

Your website is ready! You get full documentation

Hurray! Your dream website is now your reality. You’re pretty happy. Let us take care of the paperwork. You’ll get full documentation about your website and a transparent invoice so you know where your money was spent.

Armed with the power of your website and your knowledge, you can take on the world!

Talk to us now and get your website development journey started! Contact us at Contact@tsttechnology.in.

Do you want to see what technologies TST TEchnology uses to develop your website? Continue reading to find out.

Your website is made from the best- Web developers of TST Technology work with 8+ technologies! Check it out now.

You might have heard the names of many technologies in the news or somewhere else. We use the best of those technologies. Our web developers are versatile. Your ideas for your website will be analysed. Our team will decide what’s the best technology for your custom website development and let you know!

Node JS

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Express JS

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React JS

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Nest JS

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Nuxt JS

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Here’s the preview.


Can you guess how many websites use Javascript a.k.a JS? 98% of websites use Javascript. Why? Because it’s awesome. You know the pop-ups and prompts you get? That’s JS. Using JS front-end, your website will be highly interactive with your audience.

Node JS

You probably get notifications of texts, updates and news from websites. But what makes it possible? Node JS. Developed by the OpenJS foundation, it runs on the server. It stays connected with the client's website and apps all the time allowing you to stay connected to them.

Express JS

Express JS is a back-end framework that supports Node JS. It helps us make multiple pages for your website. It also manages the servers and routes through which Node JS sends your updates to users on your website.

React JS

React is used to create the user interface of your website. It is a Javascript library owned by Meta (previously Facebook). It’s also open-source which means it is free for everyone to use. Your website can look as detailed as you wish because react lets us build complex views using small ‘components’.

Angular JS

Have you heard of HTML? HTML is a simple programming language that helps you build web pages. AngularJS framework, developed by Google, allows your website’s code to be written quickly in simple HTML language. Thanks to features such as data binding and dependency injection, complex applications can be written with easy code!

Nest JS

You want your website to be highly popular. That means you need a website that will not crash when hundreds, if not thousands, of people view it simultaneously. Nest JS is the back-end (mechanics hidden from the user). It makes your website scalable so that your website can run smoothly while hosting multitudes of people at once. It also supports Node JS and Express JS.

Nuxt JS

You’re probably wondering how the technical code written in the file transforms into a beautiful webpage for the world to view. It’s called server-side rendering and Nuxt JS does exactly that. It takes the file from the server and whenever your website gets visitors, it displays the artfully created web pages.


Simply said, WordPress helps you build websites and host them on your own. It has many tools and plugins that help you along the way, which you can probably do yourself if you want a very small-scale website. For bigger business websites such as your personal brand or e-commerce website, you need experienced developers to make full use of WordPress tools and customise your website the way you want it by writing extra code.

That’s enough technical chatter. You probably wanna ask, “But how will my website look?”

Your values and mindset will reflect attractively on your website- Impress with your personality!

While building your personal brand or your business, you want your audience to know about you, to trust you. As many of them will find you via your website, they must be convinced of your good character with what they see and experience. At TST Technology, we know you as a person and take note of your values and beliefs all through the process. From colour schemes to object placement, everything will be built that clearly represents you and your business.

You can talk with our UI/UX designers at any time to discuss what you want for your website at Contact@tsttechnology.in

No hidden costs! You get a fully-transparent, detailed report that tells you how your money was used

You know that one heart-stopping moment when you get a bill amount so high and you’re left wondering how could it be double the service amount? Well, no such shocks at TST Technology. Along with getting your approval before using any paid tools, we also provide you with a detailed invoice so you know where you spent every penny.

Hurry up! Call us immediately and take one step toward your dream website. Contact us at Contact@tsttechnology.in

Your area of business will be represented perfectly. TST Technology has built websites for many industries. Our team is experienced.

No matter what your requirement is, our experienced team of developers and designers is well equipped to develop an efficient, customised website for you.

Our Reach- Where can you find TST Technology?

You can find us everywhere. TST Technology is located in India. However, we have a worldwide reach. Take a look at the countries where TST Technology has taken on and finished successful projects.

So don't worry if you're not in India. That's fine. We're just one phone call away. You can trust us, we've always made our clients happy.!

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