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Apps are all the rage right now, and why wouldn’t they be? As predicted by Serpwatch, mobile apps will bring in $935 billion in revenue in 2023. Research suggests that a mobile app will keep customers loyal and increase business.

With benefits like that, most businesses and many individuals are searching for tips on creating an app from scratch. TST Technology is an app development company in Ahmedabad and our developers have created a guide on how to create an app from scratch for DIY enthusiasts out there.

At the end of these 12 easy ways to create an App, you’ll be ready to become a proud app owner yourself.

12 Easy Way to Create an App

This post tells you an easy way to create an app and informs you what do you need to build an app.

#1 Detail your App Idea

Take notes. Write small ideas. Make sketches. Put every thought you have on paper so you can organize it into a proper idea.

#2 Know Your Target Audience

Building an app from scratch requires a lot of research.

You need to ask the following questions about your app idea to determine who your target audience is.

#3 Check out the existing market

Before starting development, you should check

Google, Twitter, Reddit, Quora, Product Hunt, Pitch Ground and App Sumo are great sources for such research.

#4 List Out App Features

Once you’ve scoped out the market, you will have a refined idea of what you want your app to be like.

As you’re creating an app from scratch, map out all your features and what you’d like them to do.

This will be the idea of your app on which you’ll base your platform, budget and schedule.

#5 Choose your app platform

IOS and android are top choices so you’ll want to know the pros and cons of each one.

Check out our iOS vs. Android comparison, So you can select the platform that is best suitable for your app.

#6 Set a budget

Time to be practical. You’ve got the specifics ready, but before you go too far, let’s calculate how much creating your app on your chosen platform will cost.

Search for the average app development charges in your area or take a look at mobile app development company websites.

Compare what the prices seem to be and what you’re prepared to spend.

Based on that, you may want to modify some features, expand your budget or work hard to find a developer who will accommodate your features and budget.

#7 Make Monetization plan

You obviously want to make money in your app and generate some revenue.

What will it be?

A paid app?

In-app purchases?

Figure out what will be most beneficial to your users and you.

#8 Create your plan

Now that your budget and features are decided, you need to make a plan.

This is the number one easy way to create an app from scratch.

The plan should include guidelines on what you expect of the product and the timeline on which you expect your product to proceed.

This is because before approaching developers, you need to be clear on what you want before you can explain it to them.

#9 Approach the team of best developers

While many app development companies and independent developers are available to take on the task of making your app, you may have to meet quite a few of them to find one you trust most.

Discuss your plan, expectations and budget with them and receive their input with an open mind.

You may likely have to make some modifications to your plan as advised by the developers because they are the ones with a realistic knowledge of technology.

#10 Create a Marketing Plan

Once the app development starts, you must begin to create a marketing plan.

This is essential to make your target audience aware of your app so they use it.

When you get the marketing plan done right, it will make your app popular.

To get assistance with creating a marketing plan, including social media posts, promotions and ads, you may need to hire a media agency.

#11 Test your app

Once the app is made, test it.

Your development team will do Quality Assurance (QA) testing on their own.

You can also do alpha testing, beta testing, usability testing and whichever will best work for your app.

These tests will help you determine how your app is performing and if any modifications are needed.

#12 Launch your app

That’s it! Your app is now ready to go.

Launch it for your users to use and reap the reward for your hard work.

There you go now. If you have any more questions about app development, contact our team of developers at TST Technology, a mobile app design company in India, anytime at contact@tsttechnology.in.